우리는 언제나 환상의 커플!
We're a fantastic couple, FOREVER!
Monday, November 29, 2010
아빠의 기저귀 Changing diaper with Daddy
우야, 이거 무슨 냄새니? 혹시 기저귀?
Junoo, do you have any idea about this smell? Is it your diaper?
아빠, 빙고~!
Daddy, bingo~!
아빠가 귀신같이 갈아주지!
I'll show how professional I am!
아빠, 만세~!
Daddy, you're the best!
아빠, 이제 졸린데, 재워도 주나요?
Daddy, I am sleepy now...
Junoo, do you have any idea about this smell? Is it your diaper?
아빠, 빙고~!
Daddy, bingo~!
아빠가 귀신같이 갈아주지!
I'll show how professional I am!
아빠, 만세~!
Daddy, you're the best!
아빠, 이제 졸린데, 재워도 주나요?
Daddy, I am sleepy now...
아빠와의 한판 승부 Bout with Daddy
아빠, 절 만만히 보지 마세요.
Daddy, don't underestimate me.
손이 보이지 않을만큼 빠른 신공을 보여드리죠.
Here goes my hidden invisible hand skill.
이제 항복하세요!
I'll make you surrender!
진작 그러셔야죠 ㅋㅋ
Good job!
Please calm down!
알았아요, 제가 항복할게요.. 이제 그만요!
Oh, right. Please stop. I will surrender :)
Daddy, don't underestimate me.
손이 보이지 않을만큼 빠른 신공을 보여드리죠.
Here goes my hidden invisible hand skill.
이제 항복하세요!
I'll make you surrender!
진작 그러셔야죠 ㅋㅋ
Good job!
Please calm down!
알았아요, 제가 항복할게요.. 이제 그만요!
Oh, right. Please stop. I will surrender :)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
준이와 함께 With Jun Yi
Friday, November 26, 2010
뒤집기 Rollover
엄마, 이제 때가 된건가요?
Mommy, is it the time?
자아, 다리를 이렇게 꼬고...
Here goes my legs first...
Mommy, is it the time?
자아, 다리를 이렇게 꼬고...
Here goes my legs first...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
할머니랑 With Grandmama
처음 태어났을때에요
It is when I was born.
식사하실 때도 우야랑 함께
with me when she eats
잘때도 우야랑 함께
With me when she sleeps
맥도날드도 우야랑 함께
with me at McDonald
우리는 항상 함께에요, 영원히!!!
We are always together, FOREVER!!!
It is when I was born.
식사하실 때도 우야랑 함께
with me when she eats
잘때도 우야랑 함께
With me when she sleeps
맥도날드도 우야랑 함께
with me at McDonald
우리는 항상 함께에요, 영원히!!!
We are always together, FOREVER!!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
머리띠 Hair band
엄마, 오늘 제 헤어 어때요? Mommy, how's my hair style today?
이런 표정이랑 어울릴까요? Would it go well with a face like this?
타이타닉 포즈는 어때요? How about the pose in the movie "Titanic"?
근데, 엄마, 넘 여자아기 같잖아요?! By the way, mommy, don't I look too grilish?!
이런 표정이랑 어울릴까요? Would it go well with a face like this?
타이타닉 포즈는 어때요? How about the pose in the movie "Titanic"?
근데, 엄마, 넘 여자아기 같잖아요?! By the way, mommy, don't I look too grilish?!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
말타기 Horse back riding
말타기를 즐기는 쭈나 형님.
어, 조기 조기 울 아빠당!
아빠, 나도 해조요잉!
Brother Juna is enjoying a horse back riding..
Oh, it's my daddy!
Daddy, can I try, too!
어, 조기 조기 울 아빠당!
아빠, 나도 해조요잉!
Brother Juna is enjoying a horse back riding..
Oh, it's my daddy!
Daddy, can I try, too!
우홋! 새신발 New Shoes
화영이 삼촌이 직접 만들어준 신발이당
Uncle Hwayoung made these new shoes for me.
뒤에 이니셜까지 있넹
Wow, it even has my initial at the back
자, 신고 있는 인증샷 들어갑니다.
Here the picture of me wearing them.
조금 크죠?
I'm a little too small for them.
얼른 커서 신어야지!
I will try these as soon as I get big enough!
새 신을 신고 뛰어보자 팔짝!
Uncle Hwayoung made these new shoes for me.
뒤에 이니셜까지 있넹
Wow, it even has my initial at the back
자, 신고 있는 인증샷 들어갑니다.
Here the picture of me wearing them.
조금 크죠?
I'm a little too small for them.
얼른 커서 신어야지!
I will try these as soon as I get big enough!
새 신을 신고 뛰어보자 팔짝!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
싸구려 커피 Cheap Coffee
작은 아빠의 음악성을 물려받았다 ㅎ
싸구려 분유를 마신다~~ ㅎㅎ
Junoo takes after his uncle's musical talent lol
싸구려 분유를 마신다~~ ㅎㅎ
Junoo takes after his uncle's musical talent lol
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
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