Thursday, December 30, 2010

빵 터지다 Having Fun II

                                        빵 터지신 우야군.
                                        I am King of making noise!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

착한 아기 Christmas Gift

울면 안돼, 울면 안돼~~ 산타 할아버지는 우는 애들은 선~물을 안주~신대. 비션산타가 선물을 주고 가셨어요. 쌩유!!
Santa Vishen stopped by... Thank you!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

그날이 그리워 Last Video Before Hair Cut

                                       이렇게 머리가 수북했었는데...
                                       I had full of hair back then...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

까까머리 되다 My First Hair Cut

                               드디어 그날이 왔습니다. 머리카락과 이별을 하고 있어요.
                               Good-bye, my beautiful hair.
                               이힛.. 소림사라도 가야할 것 같죠?
                               Nice monk look!

뒤태 Gorgeous Look

                               후훗 여러분 제 뒤태를 감상하시게습니다.
                               Yoho, you'll enjoy my gorgeous look from now.
                               어때요? 훈훈하죠? ㅋ
                               How is it? Do you like it?
                               포인트는 포동통한 팔과 다리. 그리고 하이라이트 통통엉덩이.
                                Attention to my arms and legs, especially my chubby hips!
                               엄마, 제 옆태도 잊지 마세요.
                               Mommy, don't forget to take a side shot, too.
                               즐거우셨나요?? ㅋㅋ 많이 예뻐해 주세요.
                               Did you enjoy it?? Thank you for coming to my blog. Come again!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

아빠랑 티비보기 Watching TV with Daddy

                              엄마, 잠깐만요.. 자리좀 잡구요.
                              Mommy, wait a sec. I need to sit tight.
                               아빠의자가 완전 편한데요.
                               Daddy is better than a Lazy Boy Sofa :-)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

재미들리다. Jumping Junoo

                                        요즘 재법 뜁니다.
                                        Having fun!

Friday, December 10, 2010

분위기 바꿔봤어요 Style Sensation

                               엄마가 오늘 좀 심심하셨나봐요. 제 머리를 이렇게...
                               Mommy got bored today, so, made my hair like this...
                               커커커.. 그냥 웃지요.
                               Hahaha... I can't help laughing.
                               엄마, 그래도 감사해요.. 분홍색이 아니라 파랑색이라서..
                               Thank you, Mommy. At least it is not pink but blue.
                                마지막으로 정면샷 포스...
                                This is the last shot straight.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

때되면 어련히.. NO Pessure, Mommy!

                       엄마가 자꾸 기라고 그러네요.. 때되면 어련히...
                       Mommy wants me to crawl... No pessure, Mommy!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

간만에 엄마랑 With Mommy

                             엄마, 제가 코 파드릴께요 ㅋㅋ
                             Mommy, I will clean your nose :)
                                엄마, 배에 쿠션이 느껴지는데요...
                                Mommy, you have nice cushion on your belly!
                               괜찮아요, 준우가 책임질게요.
                               Mommy, I feel responsible ;-)

2번째 예방접종 2nd Immunization

                                이번엔 많이 울지 않았어요. I didn't cry that much this time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

모자 놀이 With Hats

                       이건 대호삼촌이랑 혜영이모가 멀리 쿠바에서 사다주신 거구요
                       This is from Cuba. Uncle Daeho and Aunt Hyeyoung bought this for me.
                       이건 아래층 아줌마가 직접 떠주신 거랍니다.
                       My neighbor made this herself.
                       모두들 너무 감사해요!!!
                       Thank you very much!!!

비션삼촌과 함께 With Uncle Vishen

                               저를 무척 예뻐라 하시는 비션삼촌이세요.
                               It's uncle Vishen. I'm his favorite :)